Custom Circular RNA Synthesis

Rx Biosciences provides comprehensive circular RNA synthesis and analysis services. Our process consists of three key steps. First, we clone the CircRNA corresponding gene(s) into a plasmid vector. Next, we utilize T7 RNA polymerase for in vitro transcription and purifying the mRNA. Finally, we enzymatically couple both ends of the linear mRNA to create the circular form. Any remaining linear RNA gets eliminated through digestion with RNase R. The resulting CircRNA is then purified using urea polyacrylamide gel followed by washing with RNase-free water.

Our Approach

To ensure quality, the final CircRNA undergoes rigorous testing including absorbance measurements at 260 and 280 nm, gel electrophoresis, and HPLC analysis. Additionally, CD spectra are generated for both linear and circular mRNA for comparison.

Highlights of our service include the ability to create CircRNA with various backbones for transfection and expression in eukaryotic cells. We also assess the efficiency and stability of the CircRNA through in vitro transcription in a specified cell line.

Service Highlights
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