BAC Library

Rx Biosciences offers custom BAC library construction and other related services to its customers. We have made several BAC libraries including-blueberry, Tunisia, mustard, soybean, poppy, rice, willow, cactus, mouse, human, rat, cobra, Xanthomonas, nematodes, cicada, micro-organisms from various soil and rock sediments (See List). Rx Biosciences has been associated with number of long-term BAC cloning and sequencing projects for customers from all over the world. Our clients include USDA, NIH, universities, pharmaceutical companies and other research organizations.

Service Highlights
Economical Package

In projects where only one or few positive clones from the library are needed, Rx Biosciences offers the ‘economy package’ to its customers saving significant amount of cost and time.  In the economy package, the library construction is performed either by random shearing or restriction enzyme methods in steps and harvested as pools of 100 to 1000 primary clones. He pools are screened for the presence of desired positive clone(s).  In case the desired clone is not present in the pools, additional pools are made and screened until the desired cloned is obtained.  The pool containing the specific clone is spread on large plates and individual clones, grown as glycerol stock and further screened by quickly making pools and super pools or by arraying on the nylon membrane. In this manner, the researcher gets the desired clone in fraction of the cost of the project.

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